Epidemiology Directorate
Epidemiology Directorate
The Epidemiology Directorate is responsible for the collection and analysis of a wide range of population health data.
We are the “go to” area for advice and analysis on population-based health data for Western Australia. The work of the Epidemiology Directorate is fundamental to the provision of evidence-based services designed to improve the health status of Western Australians.
Our team provides a variety of services using the most up to date data to a range of clients both within and external to the Department of Health. For example, we:
- collect, manage and add value to a range of population health datasets
- monitor the health of the WA population and identify areas of need
- conduct epidemiological and statistical analyses to support policy and planning decisions
- investigate community health concerns and identify health risks that require management
- conduct high quality research in collaboration with key stakeholders
Requests for specific population-based information can be made to the Epidemiology Directorate by completing the online data request form below:
Open the data request form
Requests may attract a charge. Information about charges is outlined in the Epidemiology Directorate costing arrangement (PDF 257KB).
Our Services
We can provide a wide range of
epidemiological and spatial information and advice. For example, we can:
- Provide advice on epidemiological and statistical analyses
- Help determine priority health issues by area or population sub-group
- Help evaluate the impact of interventions or programs
- Provide estimates of disease prevalence and incidence
- Help determine trends in health outcomes and risk factor prevalence
- Advise on health survey design and analysis
- Carry out survival analysis to determine risk factors associated with disease
recurrence, outcomes of treatment and prognosis.
- Analyse spatial distributions of diseases and risk factors
- Help determine where to optimally locate health programs and facilities
- Conduct disease cluster and hotspot analysis
- Conduct travel time and distance analysis
- Provide concordance files between different administrative boundaries
- Batch geocode addresses
- Create high quality maps for use in reports and publications
- Develop interactive web mapping applications
- Develop mobile data collection applications
Data Sources
We have access to the following linked datasets for our epidemiological analyses:
- Hospital inpatient records: 1970 to 2023
- Deaths registrations (with cause of death): 1983 to 2021
- Emergency Department attendances: 2005 to 2023
- Mental Health occasion of service: 1966 to 2022
- Cancer incidence/mortality records: 1982 to 2021
- Midwives/birth records: 1980 to 2020
- Infectious disease notifications: 1990 to 2022
- Health and Wellbeing Surveillance System: 2002 to 2022
- Tobacco smoking related aetiological fractions
Spatial Data
Spatial data that we have access to includes:
- Towns
- Land ownership
- Property street addresses
- Transport networks (roads, public transport stops and routes)
- Health facilities (including hospitals, CAHS facilities, GPs, Aboriginal medical services, WACHS clinics)
- Administrative boundaries (DoH WA, WA Govt, ABS)
- Hospital catchment areas
- Schools
- Aboriginal communities
- Retail outlets (fast food, tobacco, alcohol)
- Water sources
- The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) full spectrum live data including heatwave and other weather forecasting data
- The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DEFS) emergency management live data including bushfire hotspots, road closures etc
- Other emergency incident layers from Geoscience Australia
- Royal Flying Doctor Services live flight routes data
- Socio Economic Indexes For Areas (SEIFA)
- Remoteness measures such as ARIA+
- A range of base maps including street maps and aerial image maps
- Full spectrum Western Australia aerial images at various resolutions
Epidemiological Measures
Aggregated data/measures that we have collected/created include:
- Prevalence estimates of selected chronic diseases
- Prevalence estimates of risk factors such as: tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, overweight and
obesity, fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity, sedentary behaviours etc
- Detailed burden of disease measures (DALY, YLD, YLL, burden attributable to risk factors, healthcare
expenditure) for WA for 2015
- WA total population
- WA Aboriginal population
- WA Health Region populations
- Burden of disease measures (DALY, YLD, YLL, burden attributable to risk factors, healthcare expenditure)
for WA for 2018 produced by the AIHW
- Other Summary Health Measures such as life expectancy, potential years of life lost (PYLL), health
adjusted life expectancy (HALE) etc
- Alcohol related aetiological fractions
- Tobacco smoking related aetiological fractions
- Other drug related aetiological fractions
- Detailed total population data for WA from the ABS for SA1s, SA2s, SA3s, LGAs and other geographies
- Small area estimates of the WA Aboriginal population from 2008 to 2020 by:
- Health District and Health Region
- Five-year age group
- Sex
- Year
Contact Information
Epidemiology Directorate
Email: epi@health.wa.gov.au
Phone WA Health Enquiries: 9222 4222
Last reviewed: 06-11-2024
Produced by
Epidemiology Directorate