End of life choices

The Government is committed to ensuring the highest quality end of life and palliative care for all Western Australians.

With an ever-growing and ageing population, a renewed focus on these issues is vital so that people with life-limiting or terminal illness can live their lives fully and as comfortably as possible.

In 2017, a Joint Select Committee on End of Life Choices was established by the Parliament of Western Australia. The Committee undertook an Inquiry into the need for laws in Western Australia (WA) to allow citizens to make informed decisions regarding their own end-of-life choices. The Committee handed down its report My Life, My Choice (the Report) to both Houses of Parliament on 23 August 2018 that outlined 52 findings and made 24 recommendations in relation to end-of-life choices.

As part of responding to the recommendations of the Committee, the Government has recently made an additional $41 million commitment to palliative care, with a total of $35.2 million allocated to regional and remote Western Australia. This represents a total investment by the State Government for palliative care services of $206.2 million over the next four years.

Of this, $30.2 million has been assigned to the WA Country Health Service to expand regional palliative care teams, including additional specialist palliative care nurses, Aboriginal health workers, and seven days per week telehealth and after-hours support. $5.8 million has been allocated to the planning and sector wide consultation for the My Life, My Choice recommendations around advance health directives and advance care planning; end-of-life and palliative care; and voluntary-assisted dying. An additional $5 million has been made available for the new 38-bed Carnarvon Aged and Palliative Care Facility, bringing the total budget for this facility to $16.6 million.

The Minister for Health hosted a Palliative Care Summit on 24 August 2019 to progress the implementation of the Committee’s end of life and palliative care recommendations, the 2018-2028 End-of-Life and Palliative Care Strategy and the Sustainable Health Review recommendations on end of life care.   Around 160 delegates including health professionals, consumers and community stakeholders provided their perspectives about how to inform and improve the way palliative care is developed and delivered in Western Australia.

Advance Care Planning – Recommendations 1 to 6
End-of-Life and Palliative Care – Recommendations 7 to 18
Voluntary assisted dying – Recommendations 19 to 24

If reading this information on voluntary assisted dying has raised distressing issues for you the following helplines can be contacted for support:

LifeLine WA 13 11 14 (available 24/7) or online chat www.lifelinewa.org.au
The Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 (available 24/7) or online chat www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au

Last reviewed: 18-03-2019
Produced by

Health Networks