Safety and first aid

Safe cooling of cooked rice

Very few people realise that improperly stored cooked rice can be a cause of food poisoning.

Uncooked rice often contains the bacteria Bacillus cereus. These bacteria can form protective spores that survive the cooking process and if the rice is cooled slowly (and left between 5 °C and 60 °C for a long time), these bacteria spores can germinate, grow and produce a toxin (poison) that causes vomiting.

Can I tell if cooked rice is safe to eat?
Does reheating cooked rice kill the bacteria?
How can I reduce the risk of illness from eating cooked rice?

More information

Contact Environmental Health Services at your local government (external site).


  • Cooked rice can be source of food poisoning if it has not been cooled safely.
  • Following safe food handling tips when storing cooked rice can reduce your risk of food poisoning.


Food Unit, Public Health

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