Stay safe – Drug Aware
- There is no safe level of illicit drug use.
- If you suspect bad effects from drugs every second counts, react fast and call an ambulance.
- Police are not called unless a death has occurred or the ambulance officers are threatened.
It's normal to want to go out and have fun.
A night out with the intention of partying could mean getting together with friends:
- to hang out
- go to a pub or club
- go to a private party at someone's house
- go to a music event or festival.
There is no safe level of illicit drug use.
The user can never tell exactly what an illegal drug contains, or what effect it will have, and this puts people at serious risk.
If you suspect bad effects from drugs every second counts, react fast and call triple zero (000) for an ambulance.
Police will not normally attend unless ambulance officers are threatened or there is a death.
Thinking about how you will respond if you or your friends run into trouble will help you to reduce the risk of anyone coming to harm if things don't go as planned.
On this page you will find some tips on how to make sure your day or night is a memorable one, and not for the wrong reasons.
So what things do you need to think about?
If you are planning to go out, here are some things to consider.
Planning ahead
It is always important to take care of yourself so you can enjoy:
- life
- friends
- family
- work
- study.
Remember, before and after a night out:
- drink plenty of water or juice
- eat healthy food
- rest and relax.
It is safer not to use drugs, but if someone does and starts to feel any of the following symptoms, they may be in trouble and need to get help fast:
- very tired
- hot, cold and/or feeling unwell
- irritable
- faint
- cramps
- vomiting
- headache
- confused or irrational
- trouble going to the toilet
- trouble breathing
- collapse
- convulsions.
If you or a friend experience any of the above symptoms, dial 000 and ask for an ambulance. They won't call the police (unless they are threatened or there's a death).
Where to get help
- Call one of the Alcohol and Drug Support Line 24 hour support lines (external site) – providing confidential counselling, information, advice and referral
- For emergency or life-threatening conditions, visit an emergency department or dial triple zero (000) to call an ambulance – police are not called unless a death has occurred or ambulance officers are threatened
- See your doctor
- Visit healthdirect (external site) or call 1800 022 222
This information provided by

Mental Health Commission
This publication is provided for education and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice from your healthcare professional. Readers should note that over time currency and completeness of the information may change. All users should seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional for a diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.