Women’s Health Strategy and Programs education and training

Download the WHSP education and training poster (PDF) to display at your health service or organisation.
Women's Health Strategy and Programs (WHSP) provides a variety of professional development opportunities for health professionals, volunteers and students working in the health sector in Western Australia. The education and training sessions cover topics including:
- a suite of family and domestic violence (FDV) topics including:
- coercive control
- FDV in the workplace
- FDV in diverse populations
- FDV youth understandings
- working with perpetrators
- understanding trauma
- risk assessment
- safety planning
- vicarious trauma for FDV responders
- case noting and documenting
- coercive control and First Nations understandings
- female genital cutting/mutilation
- migrant and refugee health
- challenges with childbirth for culturally and linguistically diverse women
- forced marriage, dowry and abuse
- pornography and health.
Presentations are delivered in a variety of formats by an experienced WHSP education and training officer. Delivery options include face-to-face training and online webinars.
Most training and education opportunities are free to government and not for profit organisations.
There may be times when certain education and training sessions incur a fee. However, notice and full disclosure will be provided in advance, and fees will be minimal and proportional to the event.
For more information or to discuss custom education or training opportunities contact KEMH.WomensHealthStrategyandPrograms@health.wa.gov.au