Medical education and training

The SARC education and training team provides education opportunities for professionals, volunteers and students in Western Australia.


Education opportunities

  • e-learning
  • face-to-face presentations
  • remote presentations
  • generic training
  • customised training 



Most of SARC’s education sessions are delivered free to government and not for profit organisations.

Full day workshops and customised training sessions incur a fee.


Request a SARC education session

Email the Education and Training team on


Medical education


early response to sexual assault in wa

Early response to sexual assault in WA

Information for health care workers in using the new SARC Kits when responding to sexual assault in adolescent and adult patients.

New SARC Kits for early response to sexual assault are being launched across WA in April 2025 and have replaced the previous version of the Early Evidence Kit (EEK). This package aims to support health care workers in using the new Kits.


To access the Early Response to Sexual Assault in WA e-learning package:

  1. WA Health employees: access through MyLearning (external site)
    Videos and supporting documents are also available on SharePoint via this link SARC Education - Home (external site) (accessible only to WA Health employees).
  2. Ramsay Health Care employees (Joondalup Health Campus and St John of God, Midland and Murdoch sites) please contact your Education and Training Department for access.
  3. Aboriginal Medical Services sites and other organisations who stock Early Evidence Kits please email to request access.
  4. Mining industry: access to the eLearning is not yet available. Updates will be provided soon.


Non-fatal strangulation

Information on the medical and forensic assessment and management of patients who present after non-fatal strangulation.

Non-fatal strangulation images
  • Suitable for medical, nursing and allied health staff
  • Includes information on medical and forensic assessment and management of NFS
  • Addresses safety risks when NFS occurs in the context of domestic violence
  • Consists of seven modules, containing short videos
  • Modules can be accessed independently of each other


To access the NFS e-learning package:

  1. WA Health employees: access through MyLearning (external site)
    Note: this package is only available to select disciplines. If the package is relevant to your role, it will display on your MyLearning dashboard. If the package doesn’t display and you would like to apply, please complete the guest access process below.
  2. Guests (outside of WA Health): complete a form (external site) to request a login which will be emailed to you.


Sexual trauma and responding to disclosures of sexual assault (psychosocial)

SARC Sexual Trauma and Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault

Please note this is not the eLearning for use of new SARC Kits.

This package focuses on sexual trauma, its effects and how to respond from a psychosocial perspective.

  • 2 to 2.5 hours duration
  • Free
  • Includes two quiz sections


To access the e-learning package:

  1. WA Health employees: access through MyLearning (external site)
    Note: in MyLearning, scroll down to ‘Women and Newborn Health Service catalogue summary’ and look for the SARC logo
  2. Guests (outside of WA Health): complete a form (external site) to receive a password
    Access the eLearning package (external site)

Teaching: face-to-face and remote

Doctor pointing at laptop screen

Forensic Training Program

SARC aims to deliver the Forensic Training Program in Perth once a year and at two regional locations each year. Regional Forensic Training Programs will be organised and funded by the relevant WACHS district. Any doctors or RNs working in regional areas, or intending to do so, are eligible to apply to attend a Forensic Training Program delivered in Perth, by completing an expression of interest. WACHS staff will determine who will attend all Forensic Training Programs.

Please email with your Expressions of Interest (Word) for the next available course.

  • Course Overview (PDF)
  • Three full days
  • Suitable for regional doctors, registered nurses, midwives
  • Successful participants will be qualified to collect forensic specimens following sexual assault as approved by WA legislation, Criminal Investigation Act Amendment 2011.


Metropolitan hospital presentations

SARC can provide education for metropolitan hospital staff on the emergency management of sexual assault and using SARC forensic kits (including Early Evidence Kits).

Please email with your request.


Presentations for regional and remote areas

A series of online sessions are offered throughout the year – 2025 online sessions (PDF). Registration not necessary.

  • Responding to sexual assault
  • Using SARC forensic kits (including Early Evidence Kits)
  • Forensic case studies


Presentations for medical students

The SARC medical forensic team deliver presentations to UWA, Curtin and Notre Dame medical schools.

Please email with your request. A fee may be associated with attendance.


Presentations for students and other agencies

The SARC medical forensic team can deliver education sessions for GPs at GP-specific educational events, WA Police, the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions, St John Ambulance, and other agencies.

Please email with your request. A fee may be associated with attendance.

Information and resources

Multiple information fact sheets are available for free download:


Trauma-informed care educational videos

Last Updated: 04/03/2025