Frequently asked questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Open the category to take you to the most frequently asked questions.

1. How long will the examination last?

When you arrive at SARC, you’ll be met by the SARC doctor and counsellor. You will be taken to a private room where the doctor and counsellor will tell you about the services they can provide. The doctor will take a medical history and ask you about the sexual assault. You will have time to talk about this at your own pace. The doctor will provide you with medical care and undertake a forensic examination, if this is what you want. The duration of an examination depends on a number of factors such as the number of samples required or the number of injuries to be documented. After the examination you may want to have a shower and change your clothes.

The majority of people are at SARC for several hours.


2. Who will be present at the examination?

The SARC doctor and counsellor will be present throughout the examination. The doctor has a medico-legal responsibility to provide medical care and undertake a forensic examination. The counsellor is there to provide you with support.


3. Can a friend or family member come into the examination with me?

The counsellor’s role is to support you during the medical and forensic examination as they are trained to understand what is happening and when. You will find this very reassuring as the counsellor will explain the procedure and make sure you are comfortable to continue. The counsellor will intervene on your behalf if they believe you need a break or you can ask them to intervene if you don’t think you can do this yourself.

If you are very upset, you may want a friend or a family member to be with you during the initial period when you talk about the incident, however it’s usually easier to talk about these matters when those close to you aren’t present.

Family and friends are not usually allowed into the medical and forensic examination unless you are under 16 years of age or you need special support because you have disability.


4. Does the examination hurt?

No, the examination shouldn’t be a painful experience. As with any intimate examination it’s more uncomfortable than painful and is similar to having a cervical screening test. We understand how upsetting it is to have an internal examination and we try to carry out this part of the examination as quickly as possible.

If you’re in pain or don’t want the examination to continue, you can tell the counsellor who will ask for the procedure to stop. You are always in control of the examination.


5. Will you tell my family?

No, the decision to tell your family is entirely up to you.

However, if you are under 18 years of age, under mandatory reporting laws, the SARC doctor is required to make a report to the Department of Communities, Child Protection and Family Support. No further action will be taken unless it’s believed that you are at risk, in which case your parent or guardian will be notified.


6. Can I choose to have a male or female doctor or counsellor?

All SARC doctors are female, however the counsellors are male and female.

All our counsellors are trained psychologists or social workers who understand how difficult this experience may be. They will support you in a professional and caring manner. However, if you aren’t happy with the gender of the counsellor, you can advise the duty counsellor when you telephone and we will try to locate another counsellor.

Counsellors don’t watch the medical examination – they are in the room to provide you with support.


7. When will I get the results?

A SARC doctor or nurse will contact you within two weeks of your visit to let you know about the results of blood tests for infection.


8. Can I take a shower after the examination?

SARC has a private bathroom attached to the examination room where you can have a shower and wash your hair. Toiletries and towels are provided. The facilities are appropriate for people with disability.

If possible, it’s a good idea to bring a change of clothes with you. This is because the clothes you were wearing when the assault occurred will be kept for forensic analysis. SARC can supply you with underwear and clothing if required, but these will not be as familiar or comforting as wearing your own clothes.


9. Do I have to tell the police?

If you have already reported to the police, they provide SARC with a special form. The SARC doctor is then required by law to hand over any forensic samples that are taken.

If you’ve not yet reported then it’s entirely your decision whether you report to police. SARC doctors can take forensic samples and keep these for up to six months to give you time to decide.

If you decide when you are at SARC that you want police involved, we’ll help you contact the Police.

If you definitely don’t want police involved, we won’t tell them or try to encourage you to report. Reporting is entirely up to you.

More information on reporting to Police.


10. Can you use my report to lay criminal charges?

No. Only you can make a report to the police:


11. How will I know if my drink was spiked?

The most common substance used for drink spiking is alcohol. If you think your drink has been spiked, you may be able to have toxicology testing done, however police involvement is required.

You can prevent your drink being spiked by:

  • Not leaving your drink unattended.
  • Watching if someone else pours your drink.
  • Drinking from unopened cans or bottles.
  • Staying close to your friends and leaving together.

If you think your drink has been spiked, you may be able to have toxicology testing done, however police involvement is required.


12. I can’t remember what happened – will you be able to tell me if I’ve been sexually assaulted?

The female genital area can heal very rapidly and in most cases there are no signs of sexual activity having taken place. The SARC doctor will tell you if they see anything that might indicate that penetration has occurred, but unfortunately this is rarely the case. At SARC we can screen for sexually transmitted infections and provide prevention against some infections and unwanted pregnancy. Our counsellors will also ensure you are well supported emotionally.


13. Can I wait and see if there is any forensic evidence and then report to police?

No. You must make a report before the SARC doctor can hand over forensic samples to the police for analysis.

Last Updated: 14/03/2025