Menopause services

King Edward Memorial Hospital offers several clinics for the management of menopausal symptoms for women across Western Australia, regardless of patient post code, comprising; General Menopause Clinic, Menopause Symptoms after Cancer Clinic, Surgical Menopause Services and Young Age at Menopause Services.

  • General Menopause
  • Menopause after Cancer
  • Surgical Menopause
  • Young Age Menopause

General Menopause Clinic

Clinical inclusion

Women requiring assistance with management of troublesome menopausal symptoms during the menopause transition or when post-menopausal.


Clinical exclusion

  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Pelvic / abdominal pain and bloating / distension
  • Pelvic ultrasound scan showing thickened endometrium or adnexal mass

Patients who need assistance with fertility, or have pelvic pain, bloating, undiagnosed genital tract bleeding or urinary incontinence should be referred to the appropriate gynaecology clinic.


Frequency of clinic

Once per week on a Wednesday.


Referral to include

  • Current Cervical Screening Test
  • Mammogram
  • Lipids and fasting glucose
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Record of current medications and supplements (including hormone therapy)
  • If indicated: Bone Mineral Density, Vitamin D, Pelvic Ultrasound


Urgent referral

Contact the CNS Menopause Service to discuss urgent referrals.


Referral process

All referrals from GPs to this clinic are sent to the Central Referral Service WA (CRS) (external site). Ensure you provide the relevant information in the referral to enable appropriate triage, including required investigation results and letters from treating medical practitioners if relevant and request general menopause clinic at WNHS.

Referrals using GP software that include all the relevant history and information are also welcome using CRS referral form templates (external site).

Last Updated: 17/12/2021