Young Women and Adolescent Clinic
An antenatal clinic for young people is available at Women and Newborn Health Service (WNHS). It provides specialised multidisciplinary antenatal care for young people up to the age of 18 years and who live in WA. This includes obstetric and midwifery care, social work support and psychology intervention from a team with special interest and expertise in the care of adolescents. The team provides “one stop clinics” where multiple disciplines come together to provide care in a single visit. Continuity of care continues when patients are admitted to hospital as the team is able to see patients on the ward.
The clinic also provides enhanced post natal support with home visiting service from adolescent support midwives, post natal contraception and post natal psychology support.
Clinical inclusion
Pregnant and will be aged less than 19 years at delivery.
Clinical exclusion
Age greater than 19 years at delivery – please refer to local maternity service provider.
Frequency of clinic
Referral to include
- Completed KEMH Antenatal Referral Form (PDF) or equivalent information.
- First trimester investigations.
- Any clinical concerns highlighted in referral to allow appropriate triage.
Urgent referral
Please contact KEMH Switchboard (08) 6458 2222 and ask for:
Gynaecology Registrar on call if concerns about a pregnancy <20 weeks’ gestation
Obstetric Registrar on call if concerns about a pregnancy >20 weeks’ gestation
Referral process
Antenatal referrals are made using the KEMH Antenatal Referral Form (PDF) (or equivalent form / template)
Please choose Adolescent Antenatal Clinic on the form
ALL antenatal referrals are sent to the WNHS at KEMH Referrals Co-ordinator via:
In Subject line write “Antenatal referral Adolescent Clinic Patient Surname, First Initial”
Fax: (08) 6458 1031
Healthlink: not yet available