Mother's Day

To celebrate Mother's Day, we caught up with mum of five Nat who had quadruplets Maioha, Frankee, Marley and Maddison at King Edward Memorial Hospital back in 2020. As the babies approach their third birthday, and big sister Kiana starts school, we asked Nat about her journey so far and for some Mothering advice.
Tell us a little bit about your birth experience and the early days.
We had an amazing experience at KEMH, having had a caesarean with my first born I wasn't nervous about the surgery for my quadruplets I was very calm throughout the birth, and it was an amazing experience. We had two theatres for our birth, as so many staff were needed, and it almost felt like a movie. The Gold (birthing) Team and all staff we encountered at KEMH were lovely. I felt super confident in their abilities, and they made us feel very comfortable!
What were you most excited for?
The mum’s love, I knew from having Kiana (our five year old) how proud you are as a mum and how everything your child does is the most amazing thing ever. So, thinking about having that FOUR times over. Also having five children close in age that hopefully remain close with a beautiful bond.
Tell us about your experience with raising your busy family over the past three years.
My main two highlights were the fact all four babies were born healthy with no major health issues and then as they get older watching them play together (for the one per cent of the time when they actually play nicely together).
My main lowlight is … never having enough time (quality time) for each child. I only have one set of arms and its heart breaking when two or more children need you at the same time.
The only way we have got through the past three years and are still smiling is with the help of our amazing village of weekly helpers. We are SO blessed to have some very kind people who selflessly give our family their time EVERY single week.
Tips for new mums on Mother's Day
- Ask for help.
- Accept help when offered.
- Fill your cup, I know it sounds SO cliche but I believe it's SO important. No matter how many children you have, parenting is the hardest job in the world. I swear by doing something every day for yourself no matter how small! Go for a walk. Sit by yourself in the sun and enjoy a coffee for five minutes. Anything. It will make you a happier person which in turn means a happier Mumma!